OrchPlay v1.5 | 2020-2021 Academic Year
OrchPlay v1.5 | 2020-2021 Academic Year
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Dear OrchPlay users, students and teachers,
On the behalf of all of us at OrchPlayMusic we wish you a great 2020-2021 academic year!
If you are a teacher or student at Université de Montréal or McGill University you have free early-access to the new OrchPlay version 1.5. You may activate your Pro or Teacher license by sending us an email at support@orchplaymusic.com.
With this new version of OrchPlay, we aim to offer solutions for both teachers and students, as remote teaching is rapidly becoming the new standard.
Please note that this version is a work in progress. We will gather feedback and suggestions from our partner institutions until we officially release OrchPlay 2 later this year.
These are some of the features the OrchPlay v1.5.39 includes :
• Stunning new Music Library interface
• Updated OrchPlay Multichannel Library with OPLS scores (custom MusicXML package)
• New Score Follower for your entire music library
• 4 display layouts for OPLS scores as well as a PDF version
• Advanced metadata management
• Embedded documents and class assignments
• Bookmark system (recalls the synchronized score page)
• Score markings playback (beta)
• New Mixing Desk (beta)
• Create OrchPlay files content with embedded Naxos Music Library links (requires an Institutional Naxos Music Library subscription) (beta)
If you would like to inquire about OrchPlay licenses for your institution please send us an email at info@orchplaymusic.com. MacOS OrchPlay users with a valid Teacher license may apply to be part of our beta testing team by writing us an email using the link above.
We hope you make the best out of the tools we provide,
Félix Frédéric Baril - R&D Director
Denys Bouliane - General Director